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How to Receive God’s Words Better

Having a listening ear is essential in receiving God's Words during worship time. However, that's not the only thing you need (or do!) to be able to receive God's Spiritual Guidance. To prepare you to receive God's Words better in your heart,...

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How to Become a Better Sermon Listener

Going to a place of worship and listening to a sermon isn't just as simple as "hearing" what the pastor has to say. It is more than just "listening" to the voice of the pastor, but it is "listening" to what God has to say. If you want to become a...

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Keep Up the Hope When Challenges Arise

As the pandemic places our lives into a pause, many of us are uncertain and hopeless. The prevailing health crisis has posed concerns on health risk, employment, sustenance, and future plans. Elsewhere, many are anxious and unclear about what the...

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Whatever Situation You Are In – God Is in Control

When anxiety and fear arise, we often fail to remember God’s great power and ultimate control in our lives. Oftentimes, life’s storms overshadow the goodness of God in our perception, especially with the pandemic going on. We tend to ask: is...

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