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The Wonders of Sunday School for Everyone

There are many easy to learn about one’s faith. Attending Sunday service can be a strong way to do this. Through these methods, one can worship and strengthen their relationship with God. As part of the World Harvest Ministries in Delaware, we...

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Habits to Let God Be in the Center of Your Life

Many devotional books and Christian books are published about God being the center of life. But, nothing is more important than reading the Bible. Christian Ministry in Wilmington, Delaware highlights that idea to all church members. The instruction...

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What Bible Says About Disciplining Children

Nurturing children is a job that parents do. Christian Ministry in Wilmington, Delaware helps parents get the idea of how the Bible would have viewed parenting. It says that ignoring the direct disobedience of children makes an ongoing spirit of...

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How to Deal With Anger through Prayer

Anger is a powerful emotion that can inflict a lot of harm and lead people into problems, yet it isn't terrible in and of itself. Righteous rage at injustice may be a powerful motivator for reform. Injustice, especially towards the weak or...

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Faith-Building Activities for Your Family

Prayer and worship are a continuous conversation with God. Praying from the Holy Bible may help you and your family in a multitude of ways. Praying for your family's needs and desires in accordance with God's plan helps strengthen family bonds. As...

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Holding On to Hope in Times of Trouble

Difficult situations put our lives to the test. Whether it concerns our marital affairs, family concerns, or experiences at work, troubling times can become difficult to handle. The person can feel a lot of emotions and may think of unfortunate...

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