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Wonderful Reasons Why Everybody Should Go to Church

Attending church is one of the best experiences in our life. There is pure joy that we feel as we fellowship with other believers in praising and worshipping God. There could be some hindrances that would make us skip going to church such as...

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Why Is Reading the Bible Everyday Good for Everybody

For the Christian world, the Bible is the best and the most important book available to mankind. It contains the word of God. All the guidelines about life are found there. All we need to do is to find time in reading the Holy Scripture and know...

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The Message of Christ’s Resurrection

On the third day, He rose again – proof that Jesus is indeed the son of God. But what does His resurrection tell us? His words will be fulfilled. In the scriptures, Jesus promised that He would rise from the dead – and He did. Like this,...

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Things You Can Do to Celebrate and Commemorate Lent

Jesus died on the cross for our salvation. His death invites everyone to pray and reflect on our faith. But aside from prayer and reflection, what other meaningful things can we do this season? Fasting In today’s world, where almost everything...

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Where Do You Turn When Life Gets Hard?

Life isn't all about cupcakes and rainbows; there will always be times when things are difficult and uncertain. Where do you draw strength for help? Who do you turn to for hope and joy? Normally, we would call those closest to us or play our...

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Promise Keeper: Why Trust in God’s Promises?

Have you ever had someone promise you something just to break it later? If that's the case, it's upsetting, frustrating, and makes you question if you can trust that person or others again. But did you know that there is someone who will never...

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