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Holding On to Hope in Times of Trouble

holding-on-to-hope-in-times-of-troubleDifficult situations put our lives to the test. Whether it concerns our marital affairs, family concerns, or experiences at work, troubling times can become difficult to handle. The person can feel a lot of emotions and may think of unfortunate elements.

But, how does one hold on to continue living for tomorrow?

The challenging times may be painful and difficult to anyone, but there is power in the hope to hold on.

We humans feel despair, sadness, anger, and other emotions in these difficult moments. These may push us to think of unfortunate options. With hope, we call forth the faith that has kept us going and will continue to lead us for the next day.

Whether or not the person knows the reason why these problems exist now, hope calls for anyone to believe that tomorrow can be better. His plan for us never fails. His purpose remains strong.

You are not alone in your struggles. He is with us in every moment. The people you love and the people who share the same faith are with you in these challenging times. Hold on to faith, knowing that He alone knows best.

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