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How Does Bible Reading Benefit Us and Our Lives?


As Christians, reading the Bible daily is an excellent habit that you can benefit from in so many ways. But have you ever wondered or questioned why do you have to go through the troubles of spending at least 10 to 15 minutes of your time every day just to read the Bible? Nu ViZion World Harvest Ministries Int’l, a Christian Ministry in Wilmington, Delaware, highly recommend every individual to read the word of God—it is the food for our soul. Without it, we will die spiritually.

The World Harvest Ministries in Delaware strongly believes that reading the word of God begets knowledge and wisdom. Moreover, it does not just fill our empty souls, but it also supersedes and shapes our natural being – our body, mind, emotions, and will. To give you more idea, here are the reasons why you should pick and read your Bible daily:

  • Reading the Bible helps us to live a better and happier life
  • Reading the Bible helps you obey God and not commit to sin
  • Reading the Bible guards yourself against false teachings and false teachers
  • Reading the Bible is an opportunity for you to spend time with the Lord
  • Reading the Bible gives you more knowledge and understanding about our beloved Savior Jesus, the cross, the gospel, etc.

Did you know that reading the Bible is also a form of worship? If you want to learn more about God’s words, you can call us at any time of the day.

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