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Never Underestimate the Power of Prayer


“Pray without ceasing.”
1 Thessalonians 5:17

Apart from saying grace before a meal, when was the last time you’ve ever communicated with God? Perhaps, it’s been a while now. Truth be told, many of us have forgotten how powerful prayer can be. Due to our busy schedules, praying is the last thing we think of doing. At the end of the day, we just want to go straight to bed and rest. But the good news is, Christian Ministry in Wilmington, Delaware, is here to remind every individual that prayer can change an empty and troubled life.

Through prayer, it allows you to spend time with God. Keep in mind that to really understand the will of God and the purpose He has given to you, you need to pray. Churches like World Harvest Ministries in Delaware, believe that a united prayer can make a big impact on a person. Thus, they encourage you to send some prayer requests so you can count on us to pray for you. But have you ever thought about how powerful prayer is? Never underestimate the power of prayer. Here’s why:

  • Prayer is important because it brings you closer to God.
  • Prayer is important because it brings light to the darkness.
  • Prayer is important because it gives us protection.
  • Prayer is important because it brings breakthroughs in life.

Did you also know that apart from communicating to God, prayer is also a form of worship? To learn more about prayer, you can lean on Nu ViZion World Harvest Ministries Int’l through hearing God’s words. Call us for inquiries.

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