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Sunday Praise Worship: Why It’s Essential?


Attending Sunday mass or praise and worship activities is not always accessible for all. Sometimes, some obstacles hinder you from attending church activities. However, here are the top reasons why going to your Sunday obligations should be a part of your list of priorities.

  • It Helps Us Remember Jesus

    Amidst our busy lives and schedules, we forget about Jesus and His word. It’s not until Sunday, and our pastor talks at the church, that we remember what Jesus has done for us through His sacrifices. We are all caught up in our problems and struggles, but spending time with God every Sunday can help lighten our burdens!
  • It Uplifts Our Souls

    God’s teachings at the Christian Ministry in Delaware aim to guide us to improve our spiritual lives, follow God and His word, and transform our lives. This opportunity helps us receive God’s teachings and uplift our souls, especially when dealing with life problems. Attending Sunday praise and worship activities brings love, peace, and joy you can savor with fellow believers.
  • It Establishes a Sense of Belonging

    World Harvest Ministries is a community of God’s followers who support each other. You can socialize, make friends, and foster a sense of belonging! This way, it’s easier for you to find comfort within a church community that accepts you without judgment.

At Nu ViZion World Harvest Ministries Int’l, we are a religious organization in Wilmington, Delaware. We offer services such as Sunday school, praise and worship, school of Wisdom, joy night, youth ministry, and more. With us, get ready to experience a vibrant spiritual family united in our pursuit of truth, renewal, and fulfillment! Contact us today for more information about our services.

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